Funny Movie Beautiful Girl Has Man Hands Touching Guys Face

The Ladies Man (2000) Poster


I'm probably one of the few who thought this movie was hilarious. I mean, how can you NOT laugh at Will Ferrell and Lee Evans breaking into a song about how they're going to beat up the title character ("the bastard's going to pay!") The movie gets funnier and stranger in the second hour, when anything resembling a plot was apparently tossed out the window. Leon Phelps is a unique Saturday Night Live creation. If you don't expect much (as I did going in), you may just find yourself in stitches. Granted, this is not the stuff of classic comedy, but it's not the "one star" comedy that most critics called it.

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6 /10

Is it an Oscar Winner? No. Is it the greatest ever? No. Is it so silly and funny, that it is fun to watch? Yes!

The Ladies Man was never made to win awards, or put Tim Meadows at the top of the hottest actors list. What it was made to do, is to make you laugh. Now, if you are still interested in seeing this movie, please do so. Not only is Tim Meadows a riot as the fish sandwich eating, houseboat living, stud muffin, but "Wrestling" Will Ferrell, and the rest of the cast are great as well.

I'd give this movie 6 out of 10, just for the goofy jokes, and laughs it got out of me.

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10 /10

Actually a Hilarious Movie

Yes it may be goofy and may not seem as funny as many high budget comedies out there, but this movie is truly hilarious if you really watch it. Tim Meadows has always struck me as being funny off of the Saturday Night Live show. Whenever he would do this character on the show I would crack up laughing. So after I saw this was going to be playing on Comedy Central one night I decided to check it out. All in all I was farily impressed with this movie, because it wasn't meant to win any Oscars or become comedy of the year, but it did entertain the Saturday Night Live fans that love the Ladies Man character. This movie is also packed with some highly quotable lines that can be recited for years to come.

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7 /10

Ahh... yet another instant classic from the people over at Saturday Night Live.

Sometimes they get lucky and have a hit on their hands (Wayne's World, the first one, not the second). But most often they have duds (It's Pat comes to mind rather quickly). This time out it's Tim Meadows as The Ladies Man. This movie falls somewhere in between a hit and a dud. It was very funny for the first 20 minutes, but then, as usually happens with SNL skits, it starts to slow down, before finally ending, long after it should have.

Tim Meadows is Leon Phelps, a radio DJ with a nightly show called The Ladies Man. He answers any and all questions dealing with sex and relationships, usually in the crudest way possible. Everything seems to ultimately come down to the butt. After pushing the buttons of the station manager, Leon, along with his producer Julie (Karyn Parsons) gets fired, and needs to find another job. Out of the random blue, comes a letter from one of his ex-ladies. The letter offers him wealth and luxury for the rest of his life, the only problem being that the letter isn't signed. So Leon needs to track down all the women he's been with to find the woman of his dreams. But sometimes, as Billy Dee Williams says in the film, the woman of your dreams is standing right in front of you. There is also a sub-plot about a bunch of guys who's wives/girlfriends have all slept with Leon, and they want to first figure out who he is (by a tattoo he has on a part of his anatomy), then kill him. Leading this bunch of guys is, surprise! Will Ferrell from SNL. First off, I thought the sub-plot was rather lame. The singing and dancing stuff was just completely worthless. I usually like Will Ferrell but here he just never clicked for me. And the rest of the guys were just schlubs who tagged along, and in the end all decided that having their wives/girlfriends cheat on them was in fact their fault. So back to the main story. The story basically centers around Leon and sex. So what it comes down to is, if you don't like the character of Leon, you won't like the movie. His voice, his mannerisms, his dialogue is what carries the movie. I am not a big fan of Tim Meadows. I never thought he was a particularly good actor on SNL. The only thing I ever really liked of his, was his Ladies Man skits. But the best thing about those, is that they usually involved the guest host (remember the one with Cameron Diaz?), and they were short. For about 5 minutes, they were pretty funny. And here, for about 20 minutes, it's really funny. What I thought was good about the character in the movie, is that he stayed in character throughout. He never wavered from his wanted to just get laid persona. Until right at the end where there was this transformation, and the ever present speech to tie things up. Other than that, it was pretty good at keeping Leon as Leon, and not changing him into something less crude than he was. There isn't a lot of substance to this movie, if you couldn't guess. But like I said earlier, the beginning of the movie I found to be very funny. Some real laugh out loud moments, all revolving around sex and his crudeness. The problem of course with this movie, and most other SNL spin offs, is that these are characters that are only supposed to be shown for a few minutes at a time. Stretching the concept into 80 minutes is very difficult. That difficulty is obviously why they needed the sub-plot, because without it, this movie would have been a little under an hour. When it was good, it was good, but when it wasn't good, it got to be boring.

So overall, The Ladies Man wasn't as bad as other SNL films, but it wasn't as good as others. It had some funny moments, the first 20 minutes was pretty good, but the rest of it dragged on. There was an unnecessary sub-plot whose only purpose was to lengthen the film. The bottom line is, if you like Tim Meadows and his Leon Phelps character, you'll be able to watch the film. If he annoys you, don't even bother going. Unless you just want to see Tiffani Theissen in some nice revealing clothing.

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10 /10

You'll speak like Leon for weeks.

I must say, this movie has given me a dual personality. I've been told again and again to SHUT UP and start speaking like a normal person. But, it's very hard... no not the wang. Did you find that disgusting and disrespectful? Well, get in the mood for a lot more. This movie is just filthy! It's not a film to show your grand-parents, but you should show it to a teenager or some immature guy at your workplace. Anyway, back to the voice mannerisms. Fortunately this site has some Ladies Man (did anyone at the studio notice that there's supposed to be a apostrophe(?) between the e and s?) so you can always have a fine little something to say to your boss or the cops. I have a sheet in my wallet.

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7 /10

Not Quite a Love or Laugh Session

"The Ladies Man" suffers a common problem among movies based on "Saturday Night Live" skits. And that is, a sketch that usually succeeds in five minutes will not do so well in ninety minutes. Although this movie does have its laughs, like Tim Meadows as Leon Phelps, a sex-maniac straight out of the '70s, and Will Ferrell as a wrestling-obsessed husband cuckolded by Leon. So this movie is funny enough, but it's no "Wayne's World"!

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8 /10

"Ladies Man" is a Surreal Screwball Comedy

Warning: Spoilers

I picked up the DVD a few weeks ago and finally got to see the whole film.

This film is hilarious! There were so many WTF!! moments... ;D It helps if you just accept this as a screwball comedy from the get-go. Characters break the fourth wall early on, so that's something to keep in mind.

Tim Meadows plays Leon, a Chicago-based late-night radio talk show host, "The Ladies' Man", who focuses on love & romance related issues. He's popular, but controversial, as his on-air commentaries are frequently raunchy and ribald. One evening, the station manager (Eugene Levy) has had enough and he fires Leon and his producer (played by Karyn Parsons of TV's "Fresh Prince"). In the meanwhile, a strange all-male support group plots to track down Leon for, shall we say, making them cuckolds. The leader of the group is played by fellow Saturday Night Live alumnus Will Ferrell.

Tim Meadow's Leon is clueless, moronic and sex-obsessed, but also a decent guy, deep down. His portrayal is of a man that is grossly out of touch with reality, yet obtusely hidden gems of wisdom can be found within his crude radio commentaries.

The story of being the adopted son of Hugh Hefner was nuts! We never find out whether it was true or not-- a cameo by the real Hugh Hefner would have been cool.

Billy Dee Williams as Lester.. spot on! (And at first I thought he might be Leon's real dad.) Did I miss any Colt 45 product placement? ...Here's the always reliable John Witherspoon ("scrap iron"? LOL...) ...and of course the director as Leon's tailor! Karyn Parsons.. so lovely, and amiable as the straight woman to Tim's antics as Leon. (she needs another TV show!) Tiffani Thiessen... I admired her from afar on Saved By the Bell, but... wow... (repeat: she needs another TV show!) ...The woman who plays Candy.. I'd swear I've heard her voice before..

Will Ferrell does so much here it's insane... He pretty much takes over every scene he's in.. the first VSA meeting is gold...

The song and dance sequence.. who did the choreography? The bar food challenge was one of the most hilarious-- and disgusting-- segments in the movie!! ... there was a whole lot of liquor consumed in this film-- or maybe it was really iced tea or something? ...So many left field appearances lend to the pleasantly surreal atmosphere of the narrative. Tamala Jones.. nice!! Julianne Moore.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? Then Julianne Moore in a clown outfit...?!!!!!!!!?!?!??! ... I wonder what was involved in decorating Leon's funky houseboat digs? (and where'd that remote control come from? , LOL) You'll enjoy this film whether you rent it, buy it or stream it.

Tim Meadows is an underrated, underused talent, especially considering his long tenure on Saturday Night Live. This film only received modest returns at the box office, but it is definitely worth checking out.

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10 /10

How does anyone not find this hilarious?

Do you like really inventive comedy or do you love "the wedding crashers", if the answer is the latter stop reading now. I can't believe this movie is not higher rated. Basically Meadows plays a character not unlike Austin Powers.There are so many inventive moments in this gagorama. From crudity - Leon playing with himself on the porch, the ex boyfriend tricked into eating . . Oh well. To inspired lunacy- clown sex , the Broadway routine, the voice over. Meadows is great as the childish, but very sweet natured Leon. Some great lines "don't blame the wang" "freaky deaky sex world" too many. . . Why this movie wasn't huge is a mystery. Great comedy.

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10 /10

Courvoisier - Yes that is a drink.

The Ladies Man is laugh out loud funny, with a great diverse cast as well as having some very stupid but excellent scenes (including the funniest love song ever written).

Ferrell is his usual quality self in a brilliant side role.

Tim Meadows plays an idiot surprisingly well and has written himself some of the funniest lines you'll find in any comedy out there.

It is definitely worth a purchase as watching it every 6 months or so will lead to you still laughing as hard as you did first time round.

I am distraught to think at the time of writing this that it has a meagre 4.7 /10 and i urge you to vote!

And remember kids- "Theres more motion in the ocean"

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This movie was dorky as heck, but...

I loved it. It was just what I needed after a hard day at work. Tim Meadows was freaky and disgusting. Heehee! He is so dang cute, I could hardly contain myself. He says some great one-liners and I laughed out loud a few times. This movie was hands down "craptacular" in my book and definitely in keeping with several other fine SNL films.

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7 /10

Yup...silly enough to be just plain funny

Come on don't pick this movie expecting anything high brow. This is just one of those simple comedies that is silly enough to be funny enough to watch, but not stupid enough to turn away from. Both my wife and I giggled through the whole thing. So for those who want to leave reality for a bit and escape into something that delivers nothing more than laughs, this is a film to enjoy

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4 /10

Nothing spectacular, but still funny

The Ladies Man is a funny movie. There's not much thought behind it, but what do you expect from an SNL movie? It's actually better than most SNL movies (i.e. Superstar or A Night At The Roxbury) Tim Meadows and Will Ferrell were both very funny. Chris Parnell was also funny in his short scene (one of the funnier ones in the movie). Other than that, the rest of the cast is average and is just there to support Meadows. I've definitely seen funnier movies, but I've seen dumber ones too. Again, it's not exactly a deep movie, but it's good for a few laughs. It was funnier as a skit though. But still, if you're looking for a pretty funny movie, I'd recommend this one. Just don't think about it too much, or you'll hate it.

Rating: 6/10

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7 /10

Ladies Love Leon Phelps - check in your brain and you might too.

Another Saturday Night Live project. If you get 4 minutes into the film and decide you don't think that you like Leon Phelps you might as well stop. If you get that far and don't smirk once DEFINITELY stop, it ain't gonna change from here.

Leon Phelps is a radio talkback guy that can only exist in movies as he would never really get a job in the real world. He is a 70s throwback complete with a 1:2 scale Dr J afro and speaks with a heavy distinct lisp and a slow drawl in a wannabe erudite manner.

Leon gives ridiculously homophobic, sexist and outdated answers to the most straightforward of relationship based questions, and for some reason the callers are offended despite the fact that Leon ALWAYS gives similar, generally butt-related responses.

Leon's producer is Julie Simmons who is likable but will always be the uppity daughter from Fresh Prince to me, she must field all the complaints and queries, and simultaneously ward off the angry station managers who constantly want to fire Leon.

When one manages to do so and Leon is turfed, we get a brief explanation of how he came to be (long story short he grew up in the Playboy mansion) and then move to his dingy local bar where we get to meet the regular clientele that Leon calls friends.

As Leon and Julie plot the next stage of their career we are informed that Leon not only talks the talk but humps the walk, he apparently has a string of "special ladies" all over the city, many of whom hate his guts. This has lead to a similar number of disgruntled husbands and partners who know Leon only from the smiley face tattoo on his derriere. I will not refer to this group again in favourable terms, suffice to say they include Will Ferrell and Lee Evans, two of the worst and over-hyped comedic actors in recent history.

They wish Leon harm.

Leon has no job, no prospects and no regular missus. On top of this Julie has had enough of his lack of common sense and has temporarily scarpered. After delivering one of the better lines in any comedy film for two decades; "There is nothing left to do. I'm going to have sex and wait for something to randomly happen." … something happens. Leon gets an unsigned letter where the female writer offers to share her life – and millions with Leon. He sets about finding his soul mate, leading to one of those montages Schneider specialises in where every meeting is apparently hilarious even though most of them aren't.

Another case of the wrong guy chasing after the wrong lady even when everyone knows that the chick he is ignoring is Miss Right, don't they do this in rom-coms about 75 times a year? That thought is also put on its head when he finally finds the chick and it is Tiffany-Amber Thiessen in her prime. In lingerie. Damnnnn, HELLO MISS WRONG!!! The finale is cheesy and a little disappointing… (Ferrell & Evens feature), but mostly The Ladies Man is the story of a man out of touch with the real world, a man who lives in his own bubble of ignorance but is always totally honest and true to himself and what he believes in. Even if that is stupid.

Take out the wronged guys subplot and this movie is even better, but also about 40 minutes long, maybe this is a case of better left as a skit? Final Rating – 7.5 / 10. Annoying sub-plots and cheesy finales aside, this is funny stuff in the main. I do like Leon Phelps.

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10 /10

Take it for what it is

I really don't understand why people get so upset and pan this movie! Remember folks, this is an SNL movie, not anything that is supposed to be unpredictable and original in plot or direction! The Ladies Man is a hilarious movie, albeit stupid at times, with a wacked-out cast and, as usual, WONDERFUL performances by Will Ferrel and Tim Meadows. Yes some of the jokes are stupid, and yes, the characters are unbelievable but its comedy! I really don't understand how anyone couldn't laugh a lot during this hilarious film. Anyway, all I ask is that people take this as it is--an SNL, silly and irreverent comedy. Nothing that will win awards, but nonetheless, some modern comedy gold. "10-4 Apricot!"

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4 /10

Built for five minutes, not eighty

The fact that The Ladies Man originated from a skit on Saturday Night Live should surprise no one who has seen and disliked the film. The film feels exactly like a character who belongs in skits roughly five to eight minutes long, who will occasionally say something funny in those five to eight minutes, and then end on a comic-bang before the screenwriter decides to cut over to another sketch. The sad thing about The Ladies Man is it focuses on its title character (played by a clearly inspired Tim Meadows) for eighty long, often tedious minutes, completely deluding the character's comic effect because it must be referenced with almost every line he says.

I've discussed how tedious and often frustratingly unfunny Saturday Night Live films can often be (I wrote a whole blog on it three years back, so that should give an idea of how opinionated I was). Their main complaint links most of their films (with notable exceptions of the Wayne's World titles) in that they have difficultly giving their character's antics enough to do for a film's runtime. "The Ladies Man" character already has enough energy to be in a eighty minute film, but does he have the humor, plot, and charisma capabilities of carrying such precious minutes? How far does a sexist, afro-rockin' radio host go? The answer is not very far, but the film is at least buoyed by the competence and appeal of Tim Meadows, who can do no wrong in films as far as I'm concerned. His presence is casual and his attitude often laidback, even when he's playing a character as tiresome as this one. He plays Leon "The Ladies Man" Phelps, a studly black radio host who is known for his outspoken sexism on air during his nighttime show where he gives female callers shallow advice about relationships. The first thirty minutes of the film show his attitude and serve as nothing but a showcase for redundant jokes akin to that of modern Saturday Night Life sketches.

When the story finally does get going, it's lame and serves more as filler than as a significant plot. It follows a man who finds his wife cheating on him, only to spot a naked black man running outside his home with a smiley face tattooed on his rear. Turns out, there is a website dedicated to finding this man and a group of angry husbands meet up to try and track down the man who pleasures their wives. The result is a tiresome array of unfunny marital jokes and a predictable but slightly catchy song and dance number.

Tim Meadows (who serves as co-write on this film) is clearly inspired when playing "The Ladies Man." His personality is always energetic and here he plays a character he completely created and "perfected" himself. There is a genuine sense of fun and comfortableness when playing this role. The issue is that "The Ladies Man" is so thin and uninteresting as a character that he's more of an idea. In that regard, Meadows does a great job at playing an idea.

I return full circle to my point that I made in the beginning that stated that the films focuses on a character that feels exactly like he belongs in concise skits on Television. It's no surprise that after about fifteen minutes of laughing with and at the character, I began to be burdened with feelings of tedium. This only influences my point that a character with this personality belongs in shorts seventy-five minutes shorter than the film The Ladies Man.

Starring: Tim Meadows, Karyn Parsons, Billy Dee Williams, John Witherspoon, Will Ferrell, and Eugene Levy. Directed by: Reginald Hudlin.

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9 /10

Funny, albeit somewhat crude, Tim Meadows movie

THE LADIES MAN, in my opinion, is a funny, albeit somewhat crude, Tim Meadows movie. I laughed really hard when Leon (Tim Meadows) gave his advice at the beginning. In my opinion, all the women looked very beautiful in the dressy clothing they wore, especially Honey (Tiffani Thiessen). Another thing that made me laugh were the confrontations. I especially loved Scrap Iron (Billy Dee Williams) and Lester (John Witherspoon). Their acts were really funny. They were funny, but a little crude. This movie was very sexy, seductive, witty, glamorous, and hilarious in my opinion. In conclusion, I recommend this movie to anyone who's a fan of Tim Meadows. You're in for a real treat and a lot of laughs, so go to the video store, rent it or buy it, kick back with a friend, and watch it.

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8 /10

Pearson, a ladies man with a plan

Here was a comedy surprise, which really made me laugh, again and again, it shi..ed all over Undercover Brother. Tim Meadows is a comedy acting revelation, and what's he's brought to the screen here, is an infectious comedy, with a wonderfully written script, with such memorable dialogue, one misinterpreted conversation between our 'ladies man' Leon and a nun is a crack up. Too we have, a few lively choreographed scenes to the movie's title'd song, featuring some angry vengeance seeking husbands, who the ladies man has been doing. Leon (a excellent Meadows) is a talk show host, whose frank and crass advice hasn't always been helpful to the unsatisfied honey's all over New York. One of his fan letters, from a secret admirer, sees our shallow and selfish Leon, set up for the rest of his life, bathing in riches, so a quest begins to find this one woman, where the real lady of his life has been in front of him, all the time. A great taste challenge scene, involving really old, hard turds, will have you saying "What the fu..?". It's another funny moment among many others. This comedy will really brighten up your night, an unmissable comedy gem, for which Pearson gives it it's magic. Watch out for a sexy unbilled Julianne Moore, one of the sexiest clowns you'll meet. A non stop laugh comedy, you must invest your viewing time in. It's also the first movie, you'll see a baby afro. Don't miss this one. Billy Dee Williams is a thankful return presence as a bartender, retelling Leon's story.

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7 /10

Hilarious. I loved it.

Except this isn't the sort of movie Billy Dee Williams should have done. He was great in Star Wars, but a movie like this? Is like Harrison Ford in Sabrina. It doesn't work. His acting abilities are far above the quality of this movie.

Otherwise, it's one of the funniest movies out in the market. It's very effective at what it wants to do.


Quality: 3/10 Entertainment: 10/10 Replayable: 6/10

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6 /10

Funny film

The Ladies Man is the funniest SNL film to come along in a while. Tim Meadows makes a brilliiant to screen transfer as Leon Phelps. The humor in this film is right on target with its humor and the script is witty. My only problem with the film was their was no nudity. But just for being funny it gets 5/5.

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10 /10

Movie of the century

This movie is beyond acceptional, it is revolutionary drama, murder mystery, romance, teen drama, and movie for seniors. It has everything to a great movie, acting, cinematography, editing, and of course, writing. This is the movie of the century and the reviews really don't highlight that

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6 /10

Not the funniest movie ever, but it's funny enough, once again thanks a lot to Will Ferrell

Warning: Spoilers

In the comedy, The Ladies Man, Tim Meadows plays Leon Phelps, a radio host, who gets fired from his radio station, and is being hunted down by a psycho named Lance (a literally breathtakingly funny Will Ferrell). Now Leon must get his pride, and his job back. The only problem is his radio show consists of completely sex talk, and he can't stop hooking up with the ladies. The first step for him to get his pride back is to find out who sent him a mysterious love letter. This involves running into lots of extremely angry women he just had sex with once and they never heard from him again. The movie is essentially a mix of him trying to avoid people who are mad at him, and purposely running into people who are mad at him. The movie is not smart, it is funny, it isn't Oscar-worthy, it is entertaining. I've got to admit, this might not have been as good if it wasn't for Will Ferrell, a great talent who basically steals the show as one of the many people who have become deranged with anger, and are determined to find Leon. The only real message you can get out of this film is Will Ferrell can make any comedy into an extremely funny one.

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9 /10

Silly, dumb fun.

Enjoyable and watchable. Tim Meadows at his best. A big boost from Billy Dee Williams. He and a very funny John Witherspoon provide a solid foundation for Mr. Meadows' riffing. Have fun with this one.

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Honking the Clown

Warning: Spoilers

Spoilers herein.

Television exists as a sort of palliative, designed for small familiarities so that hawkers can be inserted to make their pitches. Since the earliest days of radio, the formula for familiarity has been to create simple characters that we meet every week. TeeVee made these even simpler in their version of the "situation comedy," and in the sixties dispensed with the plot altogether with "Laugh-In." That was a true innovation: character alone. SNL made it hip in the early seventies, and then after a couple years lost the hipness.

Still, the notion of a funny character works in that medium, which I remind again is a palliative designed for selling stuff.

How to transfer to a film? Mike Meyers knows that film is essentially about itself, so you should make a movie that goofs on movies and incidentally has your funny guy in it.

They didn't learn that here. To the funny guy bit they added the most standard of TeeVee guy/girl plots. The whole thing is a waste of neurons.

Except. Except for one scene of about four minutes that is incongruously shoehorned in. It involves Julianne Moore and was almost certainly written by her.

Julianne is one of our master actresses; that means she knows that much of what she does has to be a matter of self-reference. So in comes the Ladies' Man to her dressingroom: Julianne the actress plays an actress, getting ready to perform. She goes behind a screen and emerges as a horny clown and does a bit so funny that it shows the rest of the movie as just something waiting for a commercial.

You have to know her other work to appreciate this, but if you do it is precious. Not worth $30 though.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 4: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.

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3 /10

Another failed attempt for SNL

First of all, I'd like to say that I love the "Ladies' Man" sketch on SNL. I always laugh out loud at Tim Meadows' portrayal of Leon Phelps. However, there is a difference between an 8-minute sketch and a feature-length movie. Watching Leon doing his show and making obscene comments to his listeners and coming up with all sorts of segments for his show, like "The Ladies Man Presents..." which is reminiscent of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents..." is absolutely hilarious. There's a great episode where Cameron Diaz role-plays Monica Lewinski, and Leon plays Bill and they call it "The Oral Office." See, that's funny!!!

In the movie, we don't see Leon on the show too often. In fact, he gets kicked out of almost every radio station in the country. And the plot revolves around his quest for true love, involving a mystery letter that got dropped off at his houseboat, signed by "Sweet Thing." Karyn Parsons, who is famous for playing Hillary on "Fresh Prince of Bel Air," works with him on the show and has a secret crush on Leon. The movie just piles on one boring subplot after another. And the gags are boring as well. The first time we see Leon mention the word "wang" it's pretty funny. When he uses it over and over again, supposedly trying to get a laugh, the joke has run dry. Most of the jokes he uses in the film are jokes we heard before, and done better, on the SNL sketch and played out tediously for a whole hour and twenty-five minutes. They even try to insert a musical number by Will Ferrell and his gang of Ladies' Man haters, who all want to destroy him because their wives had an affair with him, to bring some life into this witless comedy. Ferrell has some funny moments, and tries to make the best out of an otherwise unfunny role. Ferrell just has that unique comic talent, and he's funny at almost anything he does. Even Julianne Moore gets a cameo. Watching her, you can't but wonder "What the hell is an Oscar-winning actress doing in this movie??!!!!" Her name wasn't mentioned in the opening credits--probably by her consent. And of course a movie of this theme has to include the Master of Love himself, Billy Dee Williams. Billy Dee is charismatic as always, but even he can't breathe enough life into this film. I also have to add that the soundtrack is full of soft R & B hits, which impairs the film even more, giving it a horribly downbeat tone--as if the script isn't boring enough. I mean, this is "supposed" to be a comedy. The soundtrack would've been appropriate for something like "Love Jones."

"The Ladies Man" only has sporadic laughs. There are exceptions in which SNL can produce a great movie out of a short sketch. Watch both of the "Wayne's World" movies, and you'll see how it's done. But this movie, just like adapting Mary Catherine Gallagher's character to screen in "Superstar," shows the flip side. Some sketches are meant to be remembered on SNL, and not on the silver screen.

My score: 3 (out of 10)

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