How to Draw a Cute Cell Phone Step by Step

Easy, step by step Phone drawing tutorial
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Smartphones are the most commonly used type of mobile phone today. These phones feature a touchscreen and most can do almost anything a computer can such as listening to online radio stations.

It wasn't long ago, however, that the smartphones of today were still in the realm of science fiction. The telephone itself was invented in the late 1800s. The first patent was given to Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

The telephones of yesteryear looked much different than those of today. The first telephones housed auditory devices inside wooden boxes. The signal was carried via wires.

During the 1900s, models were developed that had a handset and a rotary dial - you had to turn the dial to the correct numbers.

The first mobile phone call was made in 1973, on a cellular telephone that has often been described as a "brick." Early in the twenty-first century, flip phones with keypads were common.

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Only time will tell what the cell phone's next iteration will look like. In the meantime, you can keep your lovely ladies, handsome young men, and cute couples connected by drawing them a cartoon cell phone.

Would you like to draw a cartoon smartphone? This easy, step-by-step cartoon cell phone drawing tutorial is here to show you how. All you will need is a pencil, pen, or marker and a sheet of paper. You may also wish to color your finished object.

If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Computer, TV, and Camera.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Phone

Phone drawing - step 1
How to Draw a Phone Step 01

1. Use three straight lines to outline the basic rectangular shape of the phone. Notice that the corners are rounded rather than square.

Phone drawing - step 2
How to Draw a Phone Step 02

2. Draw the remaining side of the phone. Begin with the rounded top corner, then extend a short line. Enclose a rectangular shape along the phone's side to indicate the volume or power button. Then, continue the straight line, joining it to the bottom of the phone at the rounded corner.

Phone drawing - step 3
How to Draw a Phone Step 03

3. Draw a straight line parallel to one side, following the contours of the rounded corners at each end. This outlines the side of the phone and gives it a three-dimensional appearance. Detail the button with straight lines.

Phone drawing - step 4
How to Draw a Phone Step 04

4. Draw a rectangle with rounded corners on the front of the phone, outlining the screen. Draw a small rectangle with rounded corners beneath it to form the "Home" button.

Phone drawing - step 5
How to Draw a Phone Step 05

5. Draw a small circle and a narrow rectangle with rounded corners at the top of the phone, indicating the camera and speakers respectively.

Phone drawing - step 6
How to Draw a Phone Step 06

6. Your phone is ringing! Answer the call by drawing a small circle in the bottom corner of the screen. Inside the circle, draw two "C" shaped lines and connect them on the ends using straight lines. This forms the image of a telephone receiver.

Phone drawing - step 7
How to Draw a Phone Step 07

7. Draw another small circle in the opposite corner. Inside it, draw two "C" shaped lines and connect them on the ends. Notice that this telephone is positioned at a different angle.

Phone drawing - step 8
How to Draw a Phone Step 08

8. Begin drawing the caller ID photo. Draw a straight line horizontally across the screen. Extend curved lines from it to form the shoulders, neck, and the bottom of the head of the figure.

Phone drawing - step 9
How to Draw a Phone Step 09

9. Use curved lines to finish drawing the figure. Note the contours of the ears and hair.

Complete Phone drawing
How to Draw a Phone Step 10

Color your cartoon of a cellular telephone. Silver, black, or brightly colored, covered in stickers or with a protective case - customize this Android or iPhone to make it your own!

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Printable Drawing Tutorial


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How to Draw a Cute Cell Phone Step by Step


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