Aircraft Gas Turbine

GE studies gas turbine aircraft propulsion options and concludes the turbojet is preferable to the turboprop.

From: Gas Turbines , 2008

Availability and Exergy

Desmond E. Winterbone FEng, BSc, PhD, DSc, FIMechE, MSAE , in Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, 1997

Case 4: a turbine

An aircraft gas turbine with an isentropic efficiency of 85% receives hot gas from the combustion bedchamber at ten bar and chiliad°C. Information technology expands this to the atmospheric pressure level of i bar. If the temperature of the atmosphere is 20°C, determine (a) the alter of availability of the working fluid, and the work done past the turbine if the expansion were isentropic. So, for the actual turbine, determine (b) the change of availability and the work washed, (c) the change of availability of the environment, and (d) the net loss of availability of the universe (i.e. the irreversibility).

Presume that the specific heat at constant pressure level, c p = 1.100 kJ/kg K, and that the ratio of specific heats, κ = i.35.

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Failure Prognostics

Jiuping Xu , Lei Xu , in Integrated System Health Direction, 2017

seven.2.4.1 Sensor data description and individual prognostics results

The aircraft gas turbine engine's RUL is closely connected with its status. To monitor the condition, several kinds of signals can be used, such as temperature, pressure, speed, and air ratio. In this report, 21 sensors were installed in the aircraft engine's unlike components (Fan, LPC, HPC, LPT, HPT, Combustor, and Nozzle) to monitor the aircraft engine's wellness conditions. The 21 sensory signals, as detailed in Tabular array, were obtained from the above-mentioned sensors. Of these 21 sensory signals, some signals accept little or no degradation information, whereas others have quite a lot, and some sensor data are also contaminated with measurement racket. To improve the RUL prediction accuracy and efficiency for the aircraft gas turbine engine health prognostics, of import sensory signals must be advisedly selected to characterize the degradation behavior. Past observing the deposition beliefs of the 21 sensory signals, seven (2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, and fifteen) were selected for this report. Detailed information regarding the sensory signal screening tin exist establish in Ref. [39].

Table 7.1. Aircraft gas turbine engine sensor signals

Index Symbol Description Units
1 T2 Full temperature at fan inlet °R
ii T24 Full temperature at LPC outlet °R
three T30 Total temperature at HPC outlet °R
iv T50 Total temperature at LPT outlet °R
5 P2 Pressure level at fan inlet psia
6 P15 Total pressure in featherbed-duct psia
7 P30 Full pressure at HPC outlet psia
8 Nf Concrete fan speed rpm
9 Nc Physical core speed rpm
10 Epr Engine Pressure ratio
eleven Ps30 Static pressure level at HPC outlet psia
12 Phi Ratio of fuel flow to Ps30 pps/psi
13 NRf Corrected fan speed rpm
14 fNR Corrected cadre speed rpm
15 BPRht Featherbed ratio
xvi carBN Burner fuel–air ratio
17 BleedP Bleed enthalpy
18 f-dmd Demanded fan speed rpm
19 CNfR-dmd Demanded corrected fan speed rpm
20 W31 HPT coolant bleed lbm/s
21 W32 LPT coolant bleed lbm/s

°R, rankine temperature scale; psia, pounds per foursquare inch absolute; rpm, revolutions per minute; pps, pulse per second; psi, pounds per square inch; lbm/south, pound mass per 2nd.

Based on these called sensory signals, sensor data were collected from 100 aircraft gas turbine engines. Each aircraft engine'south cycles were recorded from the collection time to aircraft engine failure time, with the true RUL of the shipping engine being the remaining cycles. The first lxxx sets of sensor data were used to railroad train the DSR, SVM and RNN models, and part of this grooming information is shown in Tabular array seven.2. The terminal 20 sets of sensor data were chosen as the test information set shown in Tabular array 7.3 and were used to predict the shipping engine RUL, with these true RUL values also being used to carry out the comparison and evaluation.

Table 7.ii. Part of the grooming sensor data and corresponding true RUL

Engine no. Sensor index True RUL
2 4 7 8 eleven 12 15
1 549.57 1131.44 139.eleven 2211.82 45.twoscore 372.15 9.3753 213
2 549.23 1118.22 139.61 2211.93 36.55 164.55 nine.3291 140
3 607.eight 1255.38 334.42 2323.91 47.38 521.42 9.2258 134
4 607.39 1251.56 334.91 2323.92 45.44 371.47 9.2169 141
5 607.71 1243.86 335.88 2323.86 41.95 130.48 9.2073 337
6 555.34 1130.96 195.24 2223 36.44 164.22 9.3191 209
7 641.96 1396.28 553.78 2388.01 41.71 183.17 8.3879 142
eight 642.46 1399.74 554.72 2387.98 37.82 131.07 8.4062 255
80 537.15 1046.75 175.68 1915.17 36.75 164.29 10.9054 284

Table 7.3. Twenty sets of examination sensor data and the corresponding true RUL

Engine no. Sensor alphabetize Truthful RUL
2 4 7 8 11 12 xv
1 605.33 1311.ix 394.18 2318.89 47.42 521.50 8.6735 229
2 536.85 1050.iv 175.48 1915.37 41.73 182.84 x.8788 238
3 607.38 1251.31 335.21 2323.98 41.89 130.53 nine.1805 254
4 536.81 1048.51 175.52 1915.29 45.xiii 372.04 10.9181 154
five 604.5 1312.73 394.26 2318.94 44.15 315.49 viii.6487 209
6 536.61 1043.49 175.vii 1915.4 36.61 164.82 10.8712 190
7 536.22 1049.95 175.93 1915.16 47.53 521.41 10.9118 145
8 536.69 1049.83 175.72 1915.15 44.46 315.fifty 10.8939 204
9 549.22 1117.36 138.22 2211.88 41.76 182.78 9.3481 170
10 607.95 1257.83 335.12 2323.99 41.88 183.55 nine.2579 175
xi 607.46 1249.82 334.96 2323.92 44.24 315.52 9.2305 225
12 549.54 1120.54 139.12 2212.03 45.21 372.08 ix.3592 235
13 555.42 1120.64 195.09 2222.91 36.50 164.92 9.2745 249
14 536.91 1050 176.05 1915.12 36.70 164.32 10.945 192
xv 549.73 1126.21 138.61 2211.83 41.92 130.33 9.3685 186
xvi 604.52 1301.44 394.61 2318.93 41.85 131.31 viii.6476 128
17 555.26 1119.84 194.76 2223.02 41.91 130.87 ix.2915 174
18 549.42 1135.99 139.45 2211.72 44.38 314.29 9.3726 228
19 536.32 1053.89 175.77 1915.28 44.43 315.28 10.8831 225
20 549.58 1119.72 138.9 2211.93 9.3707 36.64 164.76 284

To train the DSR, SVM, RNN, the sensor information from the grooming data sets were chosen as the input data, and the respective true RUL data were chosen as the corresponding target value models. The parameter values for the iii individual prognostics models were and so initialized and the fault between the output values and target values calculated. If the fault was less than the given threshold value, then the prognostics algorithm'southward functioning was judged as good; if non, the respective parameter values were adjusted. In the testing stage, the sensor data from the testing data sets were input into the trained DSR, SVM, RNN models, and the corresponding RUL prognostics values for each individual prognostics algorithm were respectively calculated. The three prognostics results for the three individual prognostics algorithms obtained using Matlab software are shown in Table seven.four.

Table 7.iv. Individual prognostics and fusion prognostics results

Testing no. Prognostic method Truthful RUL
DSR SVM RNN Fusion prognostics
1 258.715 202.861 192.151 214.052 229
ii 250.473 198.451 250.458 232.834 238
3 260.473 188.451 219.652 220.392 254
four 181.943 129.782 132.286 145.139 154
5 230.982 152.521 179.324 184.398 209
vi 236.004 164.048 147.341 177.342 190
7 168.009 117.584 126.329 134.796 145
8 232.684 176.384 159.069 185.147 204
9 201.942 135.809 145.328 157.630 170
x 201.109 143.682 148.728 161.388 175
11 201.304 240.548 198.319 213.476 225
12 275.897 218.157 200.451 227.165 235
13 274.107 231.341 204.045 232.537 249
14 228.142 153.208 159.512 176.203 192
xv 201.341 158.452 160.691 171.085 186
16 152.482 112.051 117.149 125.113 128
17 201.902 150.971 143.961 162.240 174
xviii 259.421 190.106 204.021 214.298 228
nineteen 254.013 188.146 190.613 207.172 225
xx 301.452 249.314 259.105 267.400 284

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Gas turbine performance modelling, analysis and optimisation

A.M.Y. Razak , in Modern Gas Turbine Systems, 2013

11.10.3 Turbo-props or propeller turbine engines

Before terminal this department on aircraft gas turbines, nosotros should mention the turbo-prop engine, which is shown schematically in Fig. 11.34. Here the engine produces shaft power, which is used to drive a propeller to generate thrust. The blueprint-signal operation analysis is very like to that discussed in a higher place for shaft power cycle. However, turbo-props produce a small-scale but significant amount of jet thrust, and the amount of jet thrust is determined past the pressure ratio split up between the turbine department and the nozzle. Increasing the jet thrust results in a lighter turbine just would increment the sfc. Such optimisation depends on the range of shipping that employ such engines, with curt-haul shipping biased towards higher jet thrust. Turbo-props are employed to power low speed aircraft, where their propulsive efficiency is superior to turbo-fans or turbo-jets. A gearbox is besides used to reduce the gas turbine shaft speed suitable for the propeller.

xi.34. Schematic representation of a turbo-propeller engine or turbo-prop.

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Propulsion Principles and Engine Classification

Pasquale One thousand. Sforza , in Theory of Aerospace Propulsion (Second Edition), 2017 Jet Engine Fuels

The next six entries are kerosene blends used in aircraft gas turbine and ramjet engines. Kerosene has several characteristics making information technology more than attractive for such applications, such as high-energy content per unit volume and low vapor pressure which improve drag and altitude performance, respectively. Jet A, Jet A-i, and Jet B are the U.Due south. designations for standard commercial aircraft jet fuels. Jet A-1 is essentially equivalent to Jet A except for its lower freezing temperature. The U.S. armed services fuels designated equally JP eight and JP 4 (where JP stands for jet propellant) are essentially equivalent to Jet A-ane and Jet B, respectively. Internationally, Jet A-1 and Jet B fuel blends are known as Avtur and Avtag, respectively. Similarly, the military jet fuel JP 5 is also known as Avcat while the fuels JP 7 and JP 10 are special kerosene blends tailored to high-performance shipping and missiles. Because kerosene is a blend of dissimilar petroleum products the chemical formulas listed are approximate and are based primarily on the observed ratio of hydrogen to carbon and the molecular weight of the blends.

Every bit can be seen from Table 1.1 the net energy content Q f of all these kerosene blends are quite like, the major difference being in the physical backdrop like freezing point. Jet B has a lower freezing signal than Jet A-1 which is bonny for flying in the stratosphere where the temperature is typically around −   57°C. However, Jet B too has a lower flash point, the temperature at which momentary combustion can occur upon application of an ignition source, than Jet A-1: −   10°C as opposed to 55°C. Therefore Jet A-1 has supplanted Jet B equally a general fuel of choice considering it is much safer to handle. Jet B or JP 4 has been relegated to use only in the coldest climates where its lower freezing point is an important asset. Similarly, JP 5 is blended to take an fifty-fifty higher flash point, 62°C, than JP eight for improved safety in close quarters like aircraft carriers and is used by the U.Due south. Navy.

Loftier-altitude long-range subsonic cruise missiles similar the air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) accept long flight times in the stratosphere, and then the freezing temperature is once again the deciding factor and JP x is blended to have a very low freezing point, −   79°C. The JP 7 blend was developed not only to serve as a fuel but also to be circulated as a coolant for the structure of the supersonic (M  =   3.iii) Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird shipping for which high heat capacity is important. In addition, the effects of substantial frictional heating at supersonic speeds brand the freezing temperature less disquisitional and the flash betoken more disquisitional. To satisfy this requirement JP 7 is composite to take a high flash point, sixty°C. This fuel was besides used to ability the Boeing X-51 Waverider unmanned scramjet examination vehicle that flew at M  =   v.1 for over 200   south in 2013. Although the other fuels listed in Table 1.ane tin can exist used in jet engines, the kerosene blends take the best characteristics for aerospace applications. However, for speeds above nigh M  =   6 kerosene blends are no longer applied in scramjets and attention turns to hydrogen. The NASA X-43A unmanned scramjet test vehicle powered by hydrogen flew at Grand  =   9.68 for over 10   s in 2004.

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https://world wide discipline/article/pii/B9780128093269000014

Free energy and air transport

Arturo Benito , Gustavo Alonso , in Energy Efficiency in Air Transportation, 2018

two.4 Kerosene and alternative fuels

The name kerosene is usually applied to the aviation fuel burned by aircraft gas turbine engines, either commercial or military, but the kerosene specification may change, depending on the type of application. The fuels for war machine consumption have a wider specification and are named with the letters JP (jet propellant), followed by a number from 1 to 10. Civil kerosene are Jet A or Jet B families.

Jet B is a mix of kerosene and gasoline in a 30–seventy proportion. It is lighter than Jet A and more hard to handle due to its high flammability characteristic. It has the advantage of a very depression freezing point of −   60oC and is similar to military machine JP-4. In the civil field, it is used in Alaska, Northern Canada and Russia, in relatively small-scale quantities.

The bones commercial service kerosene is the Jet A family. The virtually common i is Jet A-1, with a typical density of 0.804 kg/L, specific energy 42.8 MJ/kg, flash signal 38o C and a freezing point of −   47oC. The other variant, known equally Jet A only, is slightly heavier with a 0.820 kg/L density, practically aforementioned specific energy and flash point and a college freezing betoken of −   xloC.

The primal difference is the freezing indicate. Commercial aircraft fly at prowl altitudes in which external air temperature may reach −   60oC. As the range of the shipping increases and nonstop flights encompass greater distances, the time that shipping wings spent at such very low temperatures becomes longer and due care should exist given to avoid that frozen fuel locks the fuel pumps taken the kerosene to the engines and interrupt the feeding. Jet A freezing point has demonstrated to be too loftier for long flights over the North Pole and was about totally replaced by Jet A-i. Today, it is still bachelor in Us and some places in Canada

At that place have been a high level of research and the consistent testing to find an alternative to kerosene. The reasons are diverse: first, oil is a nonrenewable resource and will exist finished at an unknown date in the future; second, having an alternative source might requite airlines a selection, and getting some more control on the fuel marketplace than depending of a single provider; and finally, the culling fuel should exist more than ecological and its production cycle would go out a smaller carbon footprint, reducing local and climatic change emissions.

The task of finding the correct product is proving to be extremely difficult. A cardinal element is the amount of changes that a new and different fuel might require in the air transport system. Aircraft and airport pattern are made based on using gasoline, kerosene or some other fuel of like chemical and mechanical properties. Departing of this assumption leads to a major refurbishment of the complete logistics (transportation, distribution, storage) and, perhaps, new requirements for the engines and fuel tanks blueprint. Equally commercial aircraft architecture is a very integrated subject area, such changes suggest a total redesign of the airplane in a unlike structure than today'due south tube-with-wings.

The 2 main enquiry lines in this expanse are focused on the production of a liquid so similar to the fossil kerosene that tin can be mixed with it, keeping the same backdrop. The term drop-in describes these type of fuels. A 2nd and relatively new arroyo is the use of some electric source of free energy, if not for a total replacement of the kerosene, for a partial substitution of some of the tasks requiring engine energy in modernistic aircraft, similar air conditioning organization, or hydraulic systems. A 2nd step would be the hybrid concept, with the aircraft using kerosene in high powered phases of the flying (takeoff, initial climb) and going to electricity in low power ones, similar cruise or arroyo.

In both applications, the immediate advantages would exist ecology, if the life bicycle of the drib-in fuel is leaving a smaller carbon footprint than fossil kerosene, or the consumed electricity is obtained in a renewable way. The hypothetical energetic advantage is doubtful in the first case, because the aircraft is using exactly the same amount of energy with the same efficiency. Our present experience shows slight heating power advantages in some tested driblet-in biofuels, simply e'er of a very small magnitude.

The systematic employ of electricity is not enough developed to establish authentic figures. The replacement of hydraulic and pneumatic system by electrical elements would reduce the free energy extracted from the engines and, in case this is better than the energy needed for transporting bigger batteries, there volition be an improvement in efficiency. As in all the cases of weight versus free energy comparisons, the upshot is more favorable for short and medium range models. The progress is being slow, with some programs initially titled "All Electric Aircraft", moving to the more prudent name of "More Electric Shipping". Some applications of those technologies are already in commercial service. The Boeing B-787 entered into service in October 2011, using electricity to replace pneumatic power and wing anti-ice systems. The manufacturer declares that fuel savings might go upwardly to 3%, adding up less consumption and lower weight. Some important technical bug with the loftier ability ion-lithium batteries during the initial service seems to indicate that this technology needs withal some boosted maturation time.

Electric engines to supplant turbine ones or hybrid engines, a combination of both propulsive technologies, are relatively new, because the energy/weight ratio of the batteries has not nevertheless reached the values needed for a commercial shipping engine. Some calorie-free models have flown with different ability plants: Boeing demonstrated in 2008 a 770   kg. Maximum Takeoff Mass (MTOM), two-seater Diamond shipping, that flew with a hydrogen fuel jail cell replacing a fourscore   hp piston engine. During the 2014–17 menstruum Airbus tested a 550   kg MTOM E-Fan, also a ii-seater, with two electric engines fed by Lithium-ion batteries. None of those programs has been continued, but both Airbus and Boeing are supporting boosted inquiry towards a hybrid regional airliner in the 50–eighty seats category.

The bio-kerosene or driblet-in fuels are much more technical divers, based in the automotive long feel with ethanol, corn and soybean feedstock. Many airlines has performed regular flights with a mix of bio and fossil kerosene without any incidence. At that place is a bio kerosene approved certification (ASTM D7566) since 2011 and modern engines are certified for using a mix of upward to 50% driblet-in fuel.

The key point is the lack of economic viability. The bio kerosene cost can exist in the social club of 200–250 USD per equivalent butt, 3 or 4 times the nowadays price of fossil kerosene. Hither is a lot of inquiry on the best feedstock, moving towards oily plants not competing with nutrient product, similar jathrofa or camelina, and later on on microscopic algae. In any instance, the production scale is small and information technology is expected that the unit toll might improve something with a higher book production, but information technology is unlikely to reach a competitive toll situation on industrial footing.

Automotive fuels take a mandatory minimum level of bio component inside. The rationale is that the CO2 savings, in life bike footing, should have a price. If carbon price is included, a similar regulatory procedure could be applied to bio kerosene in order to obtain a reduction in the aviation sector contribution to climate modify. Afterward ratification of the November 2015 Paris Agreement, happened one yr afterward, force per unit area is increasing to include carbon costs in whatever economic policy related with energy.

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URL: discipline/commodity/pii/B9780128125816000028

Gas turbines: operating conditions, components and material requirements

A.W. James , South. Rajagopalan , in Structural Alloys for Power Plants, 2014

1.six Materials limitations, challenges and future directions

Many of the advanced materials available today were developed in response to the needs of the aircraft gas turbine. The ever-increasing need for increased thrust, lower weight and increased efficiency has led to significant developments in materials including nickel and cobalt-base superalloys; titanium alloys; intermetallic compounds; ceramics and ceramic matrix composites. Historically, the industrial gas turbine has adopted materials developed for aero turbines when searching for a new or culling textile solution. Nickel-base of operations superalloys are a good example of materials transitioning from the aero to industrial gas turbine. The increased operation of high temperature components (especially rotating turbine blades) maybe attributed in part to the development of new alloy compositions and advancements in alloy processing. Investment casting technology has advanced from conventional equiaxed casting through directional solidification to single crystal casting. Casting technology continues to improve with the introduction of loftier thermal gradient processes such equally liquid metal cooling (Elliott et al., 2004). Blend compositions have been tailored to have advantage of the advances in casting technology, most notably the removal of grain purlieus strengthening elements from alloys cast as single crystals.

However, the cloth needs of industrial gas turbines are not always well met with materials derived from the aero engine industry. Component size is a chief differentiator. Alloys which can be easily cast or forged into small aero engine parts may prove very hard or prohibitively expensive to industry for an industrial gas turbine. Unmarried crystals are an excellent example to highlight the difficulties associated with transitioning materials from the aircraft engine industry. Single crystal alloy development has been driven by the aero engine companies with a focus towards improving the creep performance. This development has resulted in new alloy compositions with high rhenium and ruthenium content (both up to 6%). Although such alloys deliver the desired creep performance, they trade affordability and manufacturability. High priced alloying additions in combination with relatively low casting yield rates make these alloys prohibitively expensive for awarding to large industrial gas turbines. Additionally, these alloys merchandise mechanical functioning with corrosion resistance. Corrosion resistance is often of principal business organisation for industrial gas turbines when firing on low quality fuel or operating at industrial locations with poor ambience air conditions.

A farther instance of the challenging transition from the aero to the industrial gas turbine is that of nickel alloys for rotor disks. While information technology is relatively easy to manufacture nickel disks for aero engines given their small size, significant challenges ascend when trying to forge a rotor disk out of the same material for a land-based turbine. A big aero engine disk may have a forging input weight of around 500   kg, whereas the forging input weight of a large industrial gas turbine deejay perchance around 4000   kg. The larger diameter of the rotor forging leads to a greater variation in microstructure, chemistry and hence properties of the concluding disk.

Some industrial gas turbine manufactures have recognized the inherent limitations of aero-derived alloys for industrial gas turbine applications and are now actively developing new alloys specifically tailored to the requirements of high temperature industrial gas turbines. While there is a continuous 'pull' for advanced materials and technologies to amend gas turbine efficiency, commercial considerations often demand the apply of lower price materials such every bit steels. Although steels are limited past their elevated temperature adequacy their relatively depression cost continues to make them the material of option for many components within the gas turbine. Today, more than than 90% (by weight) of the industrial gas turbine is manufactured from iron-base alloys, and this is unlikely to change in the near future.

Materials with reduced density are of an obvious benefit in aero engines where the power to weight ratio is of paramount importance. However, such materials could also have an important role in big industrial gas turbines. Although the overall weight of the turbine is of little business, the weight of sure components tin exist of critical importance. For case, increasing the length of rear stage turbine blade to arrange increased mass flow, results in very high pull-loads on the disks. Designing disk attachments to withstand these very high stresses is a major claiming. Intermetallic compounds such equally titanium aluminides appear very attractive in terms of loftier operating temperature capability, oxidation resistance, elastic modulus and density; however, the breakable nature of TiAl at temperatures below near 700   °C has been a major obstacle to farther exploitation of the grade of materials.

Another class of materials which have attracted much attention are the ceramic matrix composites (CMC) which consist of ceramic fibres embedded in a ceramic matrix. The original commuter for the evolution of CMCs was largely to accost the poor fracture properties of monolithic ceramics. The inclusion of long multi-strand fibres in the matrix greatly improves the fracture beliefs and fissure growth resistance.

CMCs may exist conveniently divided into two sub-classes, oxide–oxide and non-oxide CMCs. Oxide–oxide CMCs typically consist of an alumina (AliiOthree) or mullite (AliiO3-SiOtwo) matrix with fibres of the aforementioned compositions. The non-oxide CMCs are commonly composed of a silicon carbide (SiC) matrix reinforced with SiC fibres. Although the SiC/SiC CMCs generally exhibit better mechanical properties (e.1000. strength and thermal electrical conductivity), they have poor oxidation resistance and must be protected with an ecology bulwark coating when used at high temperatures. Oxide–oxide CMCs accept been successfully used as rut shields in applications such as combustor liners (van Roode, 2008). Specifically, a hybrid oxide CMC (thermally protected) arroyo developed by Siemens and Solar Turbines has proven long-term durability in gas turbines (Lane et al., 2007).

Although CMCs are viewed as potential high temperature materials for turbine blades, vanes, combustor liners, transition ducts and ring segments they have yet to find widespread application (Richerson, 2004, 2006). Function of the challenge with using CMCs is associated with the development of design guidelines and proven design concepts which address the meaning thermal expansion mismatch betwixt metals and CMCs. Other challenges include: high cloth costs, low strain tolerance and stress limits (compared with metals), lack of mature industry base, and validated life prediction tools.

The process to implement a new textile into the gas turbine is complex, and it is often many years between the identification of a potential material and the insertion of the first part into an engine. There must be conspicuously divers business organisation and/or technical reasons to support the introduction of a new material. The business drivers may exist as simple as reducing outset fourth dimension price, or they may exist more complex and consider, for case, strategic supply chain management or repair/service strategies.

From a technical perspective the drivers for the introduction of a new cloth oftentimes arise from the temperature and/or mechanical limitations of an existing fabric. However, there are many hurdles to be overcome before the new material enters service.

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URL: discipline/article/pii/B9780857092380500012

Sensor System and Health Monitoring

Jiuping Xu , Lei Xu , in Integrated Arrangement Health Management, 2017

2.2.4 Empirical study

In this section, the proposed ISHM-oriented sensor optimization choice multiobjective model is applied to an aircraft gas turbine engine that has a built-in control system with a fan-speed controller and a set of regulators and limiters. The latter comprises three loftier-limit regulators that prevent the engine from exceeding its cadre speed design limits; an engine-pressure ratio, and a loftier-force per unit area turbine exit temperature; a limit regulator that prevents static pressure going too low at the high-pressure compressor go out; and a core speed dispatch and deceleration limiter [40]. Dissimilar sensor types are installed in the engine components to monitor the AE health condition. Fig. 2.4 shows the main components of the shipping gas turbine engine.

The shipping gas turbine engine sensor and mistake fashion information is listed in Tables 2.4 and 2.v. The sensor data listed in Table 2.4 was taken from the purchasing specifications, and the data for λ i listed in Tabular array 2.5 were obtained from historical training data, which, because of space limitations, are non listed here.

Table two.4. Available sensor data

No. Sensor symbol r j c j α j β j γ j 50 j
s 1 Vibration sensor 0.84 57.9 187.26 693.45 10.24 0.55
s ii Current detection sensor 1.18 18.v 165.16 762.35 6.00 0.39
south 3 Optical electricity sensor 1.22 17.1 203.46 646.fourscore 30.95 1.10
s 4 Temperature sensor 1.15 41.8 162.76 635.09 2.65 0.77
s five Thermistor sensor 0.99 67.5 181.76 813.35 0.71 0.71
s six Rate gyroscope sensor 1.28 84.3 169.07 819.14 21.63 0.26
south 7 Forcefulness-sensitive sensor 1.22 15.three 108.93 825.17 5.98 0.58
s 8 Force per unit area sensor one.40 41.8 147.88 766.97 viii.02 0.57
south 9 Tachogenerator 1.39 62.vii 148.70 798.37 46.97 0.82
due south ten Revolution speed transducer 0.83 51.4 129.forty 732.38 11.53 0.33
s 11 Oil level sensor 1.xx 63.four 240.11 866.xx 19.28 0.72
s 12 Burner fuel–air ratio sensor 0.70 48.3 112.21 643.83 244 0.95
south 13 Fuel quantity sensor i.24 xiv.nine 120.xl 695.xiii six.76 0.65

Note: r j denotes the failure charge per unit of sensor s j , with its unit of measurement being x−3; c j denotes the sensor-configuration cost for sensor southward j , with its unit of measurement existence monetary; α j denotes the energy expended in sensing and encoding one   b of data by sensor south j , with its unit beingness nJ/b; β j denotes the electronics energy expended in transmitting 1   b of data by sensor south j , with its unit too being nJ/b; l j denotes the altitude between sensor southward j and FC, with its unit being m.

Tabular array two.five. Failure modes and fault occurrence rates

No. Failure way λ i /10−iii
f 1 Failure in the fuel command organization two.96
f 2 Malfunction in combustor components 4.91
f three Likewise low rotary speed 3.85
f 4 Nonuniform gap between stator and rotor three.00
f five Crevice or fracture in turbine blade or fan 1.24
f half-dozen Whole engine vibrating excessively ane.17
f 7 Wearing in bearings 1.29
f 8 Malfunction in lubrication system 3.09
f nine Fatigue wear in gearbox 1.39

Past analyzing the historical data, and comparison information technology with similar organisation cognition, the fault-sensor dependency matrix for the aircraft gas turbine engine was determined and combined with the FMMEA, as shown in Table 2.half dozen.

Table 2.6. AE organisation fault-sensor dependency matrix

Fault Sensor
s 1 s two s iii south four s 5 s half dozen south 7 due south 8 south nine s ten southward 11 south 12 southward xiii
f 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 i i
f two 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f three 0 0 0 0 0 one 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
f 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
f 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
f 6 ane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f 7 0 0 0 i one 0 0 0 0 0 one 0 0
f 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
f 9 1 0 1 0 0 one 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Using Eq. (2.1) to train the historical data, the sensors' error detectability ρ ij was determined, as shown in Tabular array

Tabular array two.vii. Sensor fault detectability ρ ij

Error Sensor
southward 1 s 2 southward 3 s iv s 5 s 6 due south 7 south 8 southward 9 south 10 due south eleven southward 12 s 13
f 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.92 0.83 0.79
f two 0 0 0 0.88 0.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.96 0 0 0.83 0.62 0 0 0
f 4 0.91 0.79 0.73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.82 0 0 0
f 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.65 0.87 0 0 0 0 0
f half-dozen 0.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
f vii 0.65 0 0.82 0 0 0 0.84 0 0 0 0 0 0
f 8 0 0 0 0.lxx 0.81 0 0 0 0 0 0.83 0 0
f 9 0.86 0 0.65 0 0 0.91 0 0 0 0.81 0 0 0

To satisfy the ISHM requirements, the threshold for FIR ϕ FI and FAP ϕ FA was set at 0.98 and 0.02. In addition, to avoid unnecessary or redundant sensors, the upper limit of each type of sensor was set at X j =seven. Then, the ISHM-oriented sensor optimization selection model for the aircraft gas turbine engine was congenital as follows:

(2.fifteen) { min C M = j = ane 13 c j q j ; min C E = j = 1 xiii E j southward max FDR = i = i nine λ i ( 1 j = 1 13 r j q j d i j ρ i j ) i = 1 9 λ i s . t . { j = 1 13 q j d i j ρ i j > 0 , FIR 0.98 FAP 0.02 0 q j 7 and q j is integer ; i = one , 2 , , ix ; j = 1 , 2 , , 13

A MOGA was used to solve model (2.xv), with the parameters set as follows: Due north popsize=thirty, p c =0:vi, p g =0:one, I max=100. Because of the upper limit for each type of sensor, X j =vii, its binary number was "111," and the size of the jth code segment, 10 j , was three based on Step 1 in Section Therefore, the length of the chromosome was equal to three×13=39. For different decision-makers or fifty-fifty the same decision-makers in a different menses, preferences for the different objectives can vary, which is considered in the weight coefficient combination; that is, if a decision-maker attaches more importance to an objective, the corresponding weight coefficient is larger. Table 2.8 lists five typical scenarios for weight coefficient combinations.

Table 2.viii. V typical weight coefficient combinations

Weight w 1 west ii w three
Scheme I 0.5 0.5 0
Scheme Two 0 0 1
Scheme Three 1/3 1/3 ane/iii
Scheme IV 0.1 0.3 0.6
Scheme V 0.4 0.4 0.2

For the Scheme I weight coefficient combination, conclusion-makers only consider sensor costs, attaching equal importance to the sensor-configuration costs and the sensor-usage costs. For Scheme Ii, decision-makers only consider the sensor's FDR as the objective and do non consider sensor costs. For Scheme Iii, the decision-makers attach the aforementioned importance to all iii objectives; namely, sensor-configuration costs, sensor-usage costs, and sensor FDR. In Scheme Four, determination-makers place more than importance on the third objective, and in Scheme 5, conclusion-makers place more than emphasis on the start two objectives. For each weight coefficient combination scheme, the respective sensor selection optimization results were obtained using the MOGA on Matlab software, equally shown in Table ii.ix. The corresponding objective function values are too shown in Table two.9.

Tabular array 2.9. Sensor pick schemes and the corresponding objective function values

No. Scheme C Thou C E FDR
I Sensor south one s 4 due south vi s vii s 11 641.two 89406 0.8527
Number iv 2 2 2 2
II Sensor southward ane s 2 s iii s four s 12 south xiii 4049.3 659423 0.9999
Number 7 7 7 7 seven seven
III Sensor s 1 s 3 s 5 s 6 south eight south 10 s 11 1168.7 159103 0.9893
Number 5 3 2 3 2 2 iv
IV Sensor s one s iii s v south 6 south 7 southward 8 s 11 1428.5 206144 0.9925
Number 6 iv iii iv 2 3 5
V Sensor s 1 s 4 southward 6 s 7 due south 10 s xiii 839.four 126249 0.9427
Number four 3 3 2 3 3

Note: The unit for CM is the dollar, and the unit for CE is nJ/b.

From Table 2.9, it tin can be seen that the cost (including C M and C E ) of Scheme I is the lowest, indicating that the Scheme I sensor selection is the virtually cost-constructive. However, the FDR in Scheme I is likewise the everyman, indicating that Scheme I has the worst performance. On the contrary, the FDR in Scheme II is the highest, merely the costs (including CM and CE) are also the highest considering all available sensors, including many unnecessary or unproductive sensors, are selected for Scheme II, leading to higher costs and data back-up. Schemes I and II are 2 extreme cases; in a circuitous aerospace system, costs and operation demand to be jointly considered; therefore, decision-makers would non choose either of these first two schemes. In Schemes III, IV, and V, the three objective values are somewhere between Schemes I and II. A comparison of Scheme Three with Schemes IV and V shows that the costs and FDR in Scheme Four are higher than those in Scheme Five, and the three objective values in Scheme 3 are between those in Schemes IV and V. The FDR in Schemes III and Four is high enough to effectively monitor the organisation health condition, and the FDR in Scheme V is neither besides high nor besides depression. For a decision-maker who puts greater emphasis on costs and lesser accent on sensor operation, Scheme Five would exist the best option. For a conclusion-maker who attaches more importance to sensor performance, Scheme IV would be more than suitable. If a decision-maker places the aforementioned emphasis on each objective, Scheme 3 would be ideal. These comparison analytical results show that the proposed ISHM-oriented multiobjective model, which adds FDR to the objective functions and takes the practical attributes of the sensor into account, effectively guides AE organisation sensor selection and optimization, thereby providing acceptable ISHM health status information. In addition, the v typical weight coefficient combination schemes provide alternatives to determination-makers with different preferences, broadening the application scope of the proposed sensor selection model.

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Manufacturing, Materials, and Metallurgy

Claire Soares , in Gas Turbines (Second Edition), 2015

Composite Materials and Sandwich Casings

Loftier power to weight ratio and low component costs are very of import considerations in the blueprint of any shipping gas turbine engine, but when the office of such an engine is to support a vertical take-off aircraft during transition, or as an auxiliary power unit, then the ability to weight ratio becomes extremely critical.

In such engines, the advantage of composite materials allows the designer to produce structures in which directional strengths can be varied by directional lay-up of fibers according to the applied loads.

Composite materials have and volition continue to replace casings, which, in previous engines, would have been produced in steels or titanium. Past-pass duct assemblies comprising iii casings are currently existence produced upwards to 4ft 7in. in diameter and 2ft 0in. in length using pre-cured composite materials for the casing fabric. Flanges and mounting bosses are added during the manufacturing process, which are so drilled for both location and machined for peripheral feature zipper on C.N.C. machining centers, which at 1 component load, completely car all required features. Examples of composite material applications are illustrated in Figure fifteen–14.

FIGURE xv–14. Some composite material applications.

(Source: Rolls Royce.)

Conventional cast and fabricated casings and cowlings are also existence replaced by casings of sandwich construction that provide strength allied with lightness and besides act as a noise suppression medium. Sandwich construction casings comprise a honeycomb structure of aluminum or stainless steel interposed between layers of unlike fabric. The materials employed depend upon the environs in which they are used.

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