Dwight Gets Pams and Jim's Baby to Sleep

"The Chump" is the twenty-fifth episode of the sixth season and the 125th episode of The Office overall. It was written by Aaron Shure, who too wrote "The Meeting", "Two Weeks" and "Infant Shower" and directed by Randall Einhorn, who directed "St. Patrick's Twenty-four hours" and "Hugger-mugger Santa". It aired on May xiii, 2010. It was viewed past six.sixty meg people.


  • ane Cold open
  • two Synopsis
  • 3 Deleted scenes
  • 4 Schrute/Martin Child Contract
  • v Connections to previous episodes
  • 6 Trivia
  • vii Amusing details
  • eight Cultural references
  • ix Cast
    • 9.1 Primary cast
    • 9.ii Supporting bandage
    • 9.iii Recurring cast
    • 9.4 Guest cast

Common cold open

Toby is conducting a meeting in the conference room virtually radon test kits that he will identify around the office. He tells the role members non to throw them away, signaling Michael out. In a talking caput, Michael reveals that Toby has been placing radon test kits around the part which he has been throwing away out of spite. Michael then makes farting noises with his mouth and says that anybody would die of colorlessness because of Toby before dying from radon, getting a laugh from anybody. Michael then adds that if Osama Bin Laden, Hitler and Toby were in a room while he had two bullets, he would shoot Toby twice, but everyone tells him he has gone too far. The branch then discuss the possible choices for the above scenario, before Dwight insists that there is a solution to kill all 3. He asks Phyllis and Andy to aid him demonstrate, and explains how they tin all exist killed by the same bullet past firing it through their heads while they are continuing next to each other. The Scranton branch so applauds Dwight's solution as Toby looks to the camera with a dejected await.


The entire office braces for the emotional breakup of Michael after his discovery that his girlfriend Donna is already married, but surprisingly, Michael appears unaffected. The office shortly realizes that Michael is notwithstanding seeing Donna. Michael defends himself by calling out Stanley and Phyllis every bit cheaters, though he apace amends his remarks to suggest that Phyllis cheated on her nutrition. Andy, having been cheated on himself, steps up and makes Michael confront his girlfriend's husband. They both go to visit him while he's coaching a high school baseball team, and Andy manages to get the two of them to talk. However, this does little to sway Michael toward catastrophe the affair, instead Michael is emboldened past the encounter.

Meanwhile, Dwight and Angela are dealing with fallout from the baby contract they signed a few months earlier. Instead of going to courtroom, they accept asked a mediator to sort out their issues. After studying the contract line by line, the mediator concludes that the contract is basically a valid surrogate parent contract. However, one cannot force ii people to have sexual relations and produce a babe. Instead, Angela could sue Dwight for damages upward to xxx grand dollars for breach of contract. Knowing that Dwight would never desire to pay her damages, she offers him a "settlement" that consists of 5 divide sessions of intercourse. He accepts, gloating that "thirty grand for sex isn't bad at all." Before the beginning "session", Dwight subjects himself to various ordeals in society to sterilize himself.

Jim and Pam are both wearied from the long nights with their new baby, and information technology'due south adversely affecting their work. Gabe catches them both sleeping at their desks and reprimands them privately. He also asks them what they would practice well-nigh the rumors of printers catching burn, but they both nearly fall comatose listening to him. Darryl catches the couple discussing how to become plenty energy to make information technology through the day and informs them of a hush-hush sleeping place in the warehouse. From this location, Jim and Pam inadvertently overhear Dwight and Angela's outset "session."

Later on returning from the baseball, Michael shows no sincere change in attitude towards cheating with Donna, despite having talked with her husband. The residuum of the part turns cold towards him. No 1, not even Meredith or Creed, agrees with what Michael is doing. When he tries to defend his position in front of everyone, they snap back. Out of spite, he announces that he will now leave to secretly meet Donna at a motel for sex, but on the fashion at that place he has a change of centre and breaks up with her via text bulletin instead. He consoles himself, lone, with his favorite ice cream after returning heartbroken.

At the stop of the episode, Michael is ambushed by the media. He believes that they are confronting him with the thing, but they are really questioning him about how Sabre printers can catch on burn down.

Deleted scenes

  • Dwight demands that Mr. Barr, the mediator, prove that he is not related to Angela. He explains that he was called out of the Yellow Pages at random. Dwight is unsatisfied because Angela chose which Yellow Pages. Mr. Barr asks about a clause which says that the kid shall be taught the skills of "the raper." Dwight explains that it should read "the rapier" and attempts to have the contracted voided as a effect of the typographical fault. Angela counters that she agreed to the terms out of reluctance and that "guns are ameliorate." In a joint talking head interview, Dwight and Angela disagree over whether their agreement is a contract.
  • Jim and Pam walk away from a coming together with Gabe. Neither has any recollection of what happened or what they agreed to do.
  • Andy tells the office that he employed his "Trevor" persona to take Michael to confront Donna's husband. In a talking head interview, Andy describes his "Trevor" character in elaborate particular.
  • In a talking head interview, Michael explains that people don't like heroes whatsoever more than. They root for the bad guy.
  • In a talking head interview, Darryl confesses that he used to be a cheater, but he reformed after watching the scene in Love, Really in which Emma Thompson plays the Joni Mitchell song "Both Sides Now". He also confesses that he hasn't been in a relationship since then either.

Schrute/Martin Child Contract

  • Subsequently the episode aired, NBC posted a (redacted) copy of the Dwight Schrute/Angela Martin child contract. (The use of the name Morpheus to refer to Dwight in the contract, introduced in "The Delivery", appears to have been dropped.)
  • Page 1
  • Folio two
  • Page iii
  • Folio 4
  • Page 5
This Understanding is made effective every bit of March 4, 2010 past and betwixt Dwight Kurt Schrute ("Father"), on the one manus, and Angela Noelle Martin ("Female parent"), on the other hand in connectedness with defining the rights and responsibilities surrounding the conception and nativity of their kid ("Child"), as more fully set forth herein.
one. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence as of the Effective Date hereof and shall continue until the child becomes an adult at age xiv (the "Term") unless earlier terminated or renewed by common agreement.
two. Prenatal Provisions.
2.1 Prior to conception Mother volition participate in a beet juice fertility cleanse, in a manner to be decided upon by the parties.
ii.5 Begetter and mother shall have joint custody of descendants of replicants from this union.
3. Delivery and Birth of Kid.
3.ane If the Kid is breeched, he must be turned around in the womb via heed-power.
3.2 No pain medicine shall be administered during labor. Female parent agrees that she will only be able to utilise natural remedies, including but not limited to: castor oil, a hot bowl of back-scratch, nipple stimulation, herbal teas, or swinging in a tire swing.
3.4 Should the Child take mutant powers, parties concord to ship the Child to a schoolhouse that aids the Child in harnessing his talents for skillful.

Connections to previous episodes

  • Toby's desire to have the function tested for radon dates back to "Goodbye Toby* and was reiterated in "The Surplus."
  • Ryan's try to engage Erin in a threesome continues an effort begun in The Mentor: BFFs? . See Ryan-Erin Relationship for details.
  • Pam and Jim previously offered to have dinner with Michael in an attempt to get him to reveal something in "Money".
  • Angela previously threatened to sue Dwight for breaching the contract in "Happy Hour".
  • Michael scoffs at Meredith reprimanding him, proverb "I call up we all know what y'all are capable of." Information technology is possible he is referring to Meredith sleeping with the sales rep from Hammermill in exchange for discounts, equally revealed in "Concern Ethics."
  • Michael references how long it took for Andy to discover Angela's adultery during their engagement. While information technology is unknown when specifically Angela had her thing with Dwight, the entire function learnt of the affair during "Moroccan Christmas" while Andy only learnt nearly it in "The Duel" which takes place 17 days subsequently. The affair took identify at to the lowest degree since "Bye, Toby."
  • Darryl tells Jim and Pam that the spot in the warehouse where they can be napped is accessible through the blast lift. In "The Meeting," information technology is revealed the warehouse staff frequently use the boom lift as a makeshift elevator.


  • In the 2nd deleted scene, Jim's notes read "Third quarter maximize check filet? Proscribernation?"[1]
  • At that place was no Billy Joel Stone Ring at the time the episode aired; Joel had not allowed whatsoever of his music to be used in a video game. In a review of the episode on Entertainment Weekly, the reviewer responded to the concept of Billy Joel Rock Band with "let'southward hope [information technology] never actually exists ever." After reading the review, the singer told his people, "Go me on that Stone Ring game." The Office was therefore ultimately responsible for making Baton Joel Rock Band a reality.[2]
  • This is the 6th season's 25th episode. Michael Jackson died on June 25. Michael Scott asks for a x-minute moment of silence honoring Michael Jackson.
  • Toby does non appear for the rest of the episode after the office staff yell at him to leave in the beginning of the episode.

Amusing details

  • In the cold open, Andy is visibly excited to take been picked for the role of Osama Bin Laden.
  • Angela is wearing noticeably more make-up, presumably to appear more attractive to Dwight. This is nearly readily seen in their articulation talking head interview near the start of the episode.
  • Michael's lips are stained with lipstick, specifically in his talking heads.
  • Andy'southward drinking container is labeled Nard-Dog, one of his most common nicknames.
  • When Erin explains that Mr. Bean is playing in the briefing room, Kevin is seen already watching and laughing in the room.
  • Even Stanley is visibly concerned about Michael in the beginning of the episode, where Pam and Erin explain the measures taken to pacify Michael.
  • Jim shakes his head with dread while he and Pam are asking Michael to dinner.
  • In his talking head Andy begins with "My name is Andy Bernard and I am a cuckold," equally though he is introducing himself in a rehabilitation coming together.
  • Pam is heard snoring while asleep at her desk.
  • Gabe asks Jim and Pam to run across him in his part, only he doesn't have an role, so they take the meeting at his desk-bound in the annex.
  • Dwight gives an tickled look between Angela and the photographic camera after she says that she is non a farm animal. In a previous talking head, Dwight compares their arrangement to that of horse insemination.
  • Michael shakes Autobus Shane's hand by awkwardly squeezing his hand through a hole in the fence.
  • Kevin eats the orangish slices that Michael brought back from the baseball game.
  • When Michael says that in the futurity he will eat whatever he wants when he wants, Kevin who is overweight himself, tells him that information technology is a dangerous game.
  • Stanley is openly confronting Michael's matter with Donna despite being in an thing himself.
  • While explaining to the reporters nearly what he causeless is most his affair with Donna, Michael says "I would like to publicly repent to the coach and the players, and I vow to never mind to my bodily instincts again" which tin can be easily misinterpreted every bit Michael confessing to sexually assaulting a small-scale.
  • Bated from Toby, Darryl is the only member of the office unconcerned with Michael'southward thing with Donna. He is seen working in his role in several scenes where Michael discusses the affair with the residuum of the role.

Cultural references

  • Creed's favorite James McAvoy motion picture is Wanted, an Academy-Accolade-nominated movie about an function worker who becomes an assassinator. In the flick, McAvoy's character learns to fire bullets which bend effectually obstacles.
  • In the movie Obsessed, Ali Larter plays the adult female who attempts to seduce the married man of the character played by Beyoncé Knowles. Michael says, "I am Beyoncé , always," refusing to take his role in the beloved triangle. Incidentally, the husband in the movie is played by Idris Elba, who played Charles Miner on The Office.
  • Kelly confuses anthropology with Anthropologie, a chain of high-finish women's clothing.
  • Michael lists a number of fictitious anti-heroes: Tony Soprano, Nurse Jackie, and the woman from Weeds (Nancy Botwin).
  • Darryl talks about the romantic comedy picture show Dear, Actually. In the scene he cites, Emma Thompson'southward character breaks down crying when she comes to the conclusion that her married man is having an affair.
  • Michael (when asked about still seeing Donna by Pam) says "Yous know what? I am declaring a moment of silence correct now, ten minutes of silence honoring Michael Jackson. Just sit down there and remember about Michael Jackson" (Due to Michael Jackson's death).


Main cast

  • Steve Carell as Michael Scott
  • Rainn Wilson every bit Dwight Schrute
  • John Krasinski as Jim Halpert
  • Jenna Fischer equally Pam Halpert
  • B.J. Novak equally Ryan Howard
  • Ed Helms as Andy Bernard

Supporting cast

  • Leslie David Baker every bit Stanley Hudson
  • Brian Baumgartner every bit Kevin Malone
  • Creed Bratton as Creed Bratton
  • Kate Flannery every bit Meredith Palmer
  • Mindy Kaling as Kelly Kapoor
  • Ellie Kemper as Erin Hannon
  • Angela Kinsey as Angela Martin
  • Paul Lieberstein as Toby Flenderson
  • Oscar Nunez as Oscar Martinez
  • Craig Robinson as Darryl Philbin
  • Phyllis Smith equally Phyllis Vance

Recurring cast

  • Zach Forest equally Gabe Lewis
  • Amy Pietz as Donna Newton

Guest cast

  • Larkin Campbell equally Shane
  • Bruno Oliver equally Mr. Barr
  • Tina Huang equally Reporter


Source: https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/The_Chump

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