My Cats Keep Pushing Each Other in the Trash Can
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I have ii cats that I have had for near a twelvemonth. I have left the cats alone in the house every weekday when I went to work with no bug. A few weeks ago, one of my cats plainly discovered the trash can in the kitchen (it has e'er been there) and ever since he is almost constantly standing on his hind legs trying to go into the trash and fierce at the bag. Several times already he has knocked the entire trash tin can over spilling garbage all over the floor while I am gone and he has fifty-fifty done information technology twice while I was out of the area for a few minutes taking a shower (virtually recently this morning time). No affair what I do I cannot get him to cease. It is extremely frustrating because I now cannot fifty-fifty leave the kitchen without carrying the garbage tin can across the business firm and locking it in the bathroom where the cats cannot get at it. (I have two cats but Hobbes is the one who is overly curious and ever picking at the garbage.) I accept read that the proper fashion to subject area cats is to ignore them but I plainly tin't ignore them spilling trash all over the floor. What can I do to go them to finish this? I can't ever be locking either the cats or the garbage can away every fourth dimension I leave the house or take a shower.
Thank you.
- #2
NOT Malfoy!
Maybe invest in a heavier can with a tight, heavy lid where it would exist harder for the true cat to get into? Or can you move the tin can in a closet under the sink or something?
Monet likes to get into my garbage too. It'due south harder for me considering I take picayune selection only to hang a plastic pocketbook on a handle of a cupboard. I take a minor galley kitchen and no room for a existent can, not even under the sink! If there'southward something tempting in the garbage, I have to put it exterior my entrance door where he tin't get at it. It's annoying, I know
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- #3
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I have idea about that but there is not much room in the cabinets under my sink then I'd have to buy a smaller trash can. I was hoping to avoid doing this though. They left the trash solitary for an unabridged year and are just recently knocking it over. (I don't remember a unlike trash tin can in the same spot would piece of work because they knock the entire thing over and I'm sure whatsoever lid that wasn't bolted on would still fall off.)
- #4
This reminds me of Emily's empty-headed addiction. Every day Mom threw abroad a prophylactic band from the local newspaper (before they switched to plastic bags). Simply to get that rubber band, Emily tipped the trash can over and went halfway within to dig it out. The rubber band'due south concluding destination? Her nutrient bowl LOL. I did not want to make her stop having fun because she was non hurting anything, so I simply let her do it.
If your cat is eating trash or making the floor dirty, buy a trash can with a lid and foot pedal. Cats can't get to the trash even if they tip information technology over and I don't call back they would desire to tip it over if they tin't see the trash inside.
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- #5
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My electric current trash tin can actually has a lid. They knock it over and the lid pops open up. I'm afraid they'll consume something in there that's not good for them.
- #6
My current trash can actually has a lid. They knock it over and the chapeau pops open. I'm afraid they'll eat something in at that place that's not good for them.
Emily never ate a rubber ring or showed any intention of doing and then.
Cats are not raccoons. They swallow what will fit in their mouths like paperclips, only do not chew upwards bigger items.
- #7
Actually, Emily, cats accept piddling "hooks" on their tongues (that's why they experience so rough when they lick yous). If something like a string gets caught on the tongue, the cat often cannot expel it, and in that location'southward only ane way for it to go, and that'southward down.
This is the garbage tin we use in our kitchen - no lid to knock off if tipped over. Heavy base - doubt they could tip it over. (Don't buy them from that site!!! They are expensive, simply not AS expensive elsewhere. For the states, it was worth the peace of heed. And our tin has lasted ... six years, so far).
- #8
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I recall the worry nearly them eating something harmful from the trash is a valid concern. I'm lucky to have a chiffonier for mine or I'm sure my cats would be pulling all sorts of food out. I'd go the smaller trash can inside a cabinet route. I know its a bit of a pain but look on the bright side....with a smaller can the trash will exit more often and accept less chance to go stinky.
The rubber band'southward final destination? Her food basin LOL
This fabricated me smile. My Emily likes to plop milk jug rings (and sometimes feather toys) into her food bowl. She and so chomps down on them while she eats. I remember she likes something with texture to munch downwards on while she eats her pate food. I think she would similar the raw food nutrition if she could rip and shred and really sink her teeth into things.
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You could just place something really heavy in the bottom of your garbage can. We had a garbage digger too (Buddy). Had to stuff the can in between something and put something heavy on the lid. He tried a few times after and presently gave upwards. Oasis't seen him around the trash in months and months.
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- #10
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Perchance I can find some bricks to put in the bottom of the tin can. They rip the plastic bag (the tiptop of the bag sticks out near the lid) to shreds so I tin't close the bag up with the drawstring proper just peradventure they'll terminate this eventually if they tin can't make it the can anymore.
- #11
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My trash tin can lid really locks. My cats were getting into the trash and pulling things out and so my puppy would come along and eat whatever they pulled out. After having to go my puppy an xray from a chicken bone incident, I bought a trash can with a locking chapeau. Its a footling silver handle that you push in, and they cant open it. Trust me, a new trash tin is cheaper than xrays!
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- #12
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Ugh. At that place were some leftover chicken fly bones in the garbage that my cats knocked over this morning. Hopefully they're all deemed for.
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We put all nutrient blazon trash in the freezer. This includes craven skin, drippings, and paper towels used to wipe upwardly drippings and things like that. Non only does this continue the kitties out of the trash, it keeps the trash from stinking up the business firm. (We but accept trash selection up once a calendar week.) On the night earlier trash twenty-four hour period, we throw the freezer stuff in the trash and booty it to the curb.
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- #14
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I don't think I want to go on garbage in my freezer.
So I tried putting some bricks into the bottom of the garbage can so that the cats couldn't knock information technology over. I was in the restroom for a few minutes today and when I came out I heard some banging around in the kitchen near the trash can. I went in to hunt the cat away but I didn't come across him anywhere. Then I heard the trash tin banging around once more. I opened the lid and my cat was sitting inside on top of all the garbage. This cat is ridiculous.
- #xv
This is the garbage tin can we use in our kitchen - no lid to knock off if tipped over. Heavy base of operations - dubiety they could tip it over. (Don't buy them from that site!!! They are expensive, but not AS expensive elsewhere. For u.s.a., it was worth the peace of mind. And our can has lasted ... 6 years, so far).
Only in case you missed it, I'chiliad posting the link to this garbage-can proffer once more. Sorry the bricks didn't work out. Oh - and DH pointed out it hasn't been six years we've had the tin can, it's been 8.
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- #16
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We put all food type trash in the freezer. This includes chicken skin, drippings, and paper towels used to wipe upwards drippings and things like that. Not only does this keep the kitties out of the trash, it keeps the trash from stinking up the house. (We just have trash choice up once a week.) On the dark before trash day, we throw the freezer stuff in the trash and haul information technology to the curb.
I do the same, especially now, feeding raw..... The meat was already in a ziplock bag, I merely render the ziplock bag to the freezer..... Not because the cats go to the trash can, but because it will stink up the firm.... And Dallas is hot, the trash truck comes every couple of days, so I put information technology out the night before they come. Don't desire rotten meat outside on the dominicus either :nod:
I don't recall I want to keep garbage in my freezer.
It's only trash later you put information technology on the trash can.... before that, it is food :dk:
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- #17
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It'south but trash after you put it on the trash can.... earlier that, it is food
Exactly, at that place's nothing yucky most it. I put all meat leftovers into the freezer, we accept bins outside but it cuts downwardly on odours and flies. I only put the frozen things in earlier taking the bins out for collection.
Indoors I don't bother with a rubbish bin, and simply accept rubbish outside equally needed. If I had to accept one I'd put information technology under the kitchen sink, in a cupboard.
- #eighteen
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Simply a idea virtually your trash in the kitchen. A friend of mine mentioned that if you similar milk, ( I buy chocolate ), salvage the milk jug. Clean it out and cut the acme off. You can easily place a grocery handle plastic purse in in that location for the nutrient trash. I love information technology because when its total, pull it out and throw information technology away ( true cat has non discovered information technology yet ) do not have a solution for our "garbage monger" cat other than already mentioned - go a lid or heavier garbage bin. Also, when the jug starts to get funky, get more milk
- #19
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Thats a tough one.. I would say try putting the trash in a cabinet like nether the sink or if you have a closet or somewhere where they cannot get at it.. or maybe go a trash can that cannot be opened...
- #20
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I realize this is an old thread-merely one of my cats (the one that can open doors and cabinets-BOO!) gets in the trash. I bought a heavy stainless steel tin can with an attached lid that yous step on the bottom plate to worked for awhile but this cat still finds a way to open it. I'll hear a rustling dissonance and open the trash can and at that place the true cat is-lying on top of the garbage and eating any she tin can find. Drives me crazy. Squirt guns used to work-it chases them away but every bit shortly as she licks herself dry she goes after it once again. I'k afraid one 24-hour interval my husband will have the trash out and throw the cat away!
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